• No Category


    This week you need to take the take home test on Module 1 and make sure that you turn it back in to me in class on Friday. Then, you need to start reading Module 2, p. 37-62. Make sure you write down all the definitions and answer the OYO questions as you read also. Please pay attention to Experiment 2.1 because we will be doing this in class. We will also have a quick, open-book quiz in the first ten minutes of class.

  • No Category


    This week for Biology you need to finish reading Module 1, writing down all of the definitions and answering the OYO questions. You also need to complete the study guide at the end of the chapter and spend some time studying it so that you are ready for your test on Module 1. The test will be a take-home test, and it is NOT open book. In class we will finish discussing the material in Module 1 and then we will complete Experiment 1.1 in class, so please read over this before class. This will involve starting to learn how to use a microscope, but we will have to adjust…

  • No Category


    I am looking forward to having all of you in class this year! This week before class, make sure that you have read p. 1-21 in your textbook. Answer the On Your Own questions on these pages also, and be sure to write down or type out your answers. Last, you need to have written down all of the definitions contained on these pages as well. The definitions are written in blue, boldface type, and are set apart from the rest of the reading. If you will write out these definitions as you go through the chapter, you will already have a large portion of the Study Guide done, and…

  • 7th & 8th History

    7th-8th History – Christendom Week 32 IT IS FINISHED

    JOHN KNOX & JOHN CALVIN Day 1 – Famous Men of the Renaissance & Reformation, ch. 28; “100 Most Important Events in Church History,” pp. 40-41. Day 2 – Streams of Civilization, pp. 378-379; The Church in History, pp. 189-202. Research John Calvin and find the following: Date and country of his birth. Influences on his young life which would have an important impact on the future before him. Why he was imprisoned and had to flee Paris. Why he was able to live freely in Geneva, Switzerland, but was later banished from there. What were contained in his Ecclesiastical Ordinances. The name of another important reformer who was his…

  • No Category

    Lingua Latina for May 14th

    This is your last assignment for Lingua Latina! Finish translation LL Chapter VIII. Do not do the Pensa. Bring your book and binder to class, because I will be going over VL Lesson 30 (the last one!) in class. See you Friday!

  • No Category

    Shurley English 6 for May 14th

    Hello! This is your last assignment for Shurley English 6! Finish Variations Part 2 and turn in your final draft for Lesson 13, “The Sick Lion.” You have each started well in classical composition, and I’m very proud of you!

  • Advanced Biology - Human A & P,  No Category

    Advanced Biology – Human A & P

    This week you need to get caught up on any assignments or tests you have not done yet. I have sent out individual emails if you’re missing any assignments. I’ve also sent out emails with any graded tests that I haven’t given back to you so that you can use them to study for the final. Everything is due this Friday in class! This week you need to study, study, study for the final exam! Again, I will not test you on anything that you haven’t been tested on before, so utilize your graded tests when working on the topics listed on your study guide. We will be taking the…

  • No Category

    Advanced Biology- Human A & P

    This week you need to take Module 15 test that I gave you in class, and then start on the study guide for the final exam. You’ve got two full weeks to study for the final if you start early this week. Remember, I am not going to test you on anything on the final that I haven’t already tested you on, so use your tests from this semester as a guide to know how to study each item listed on the study guide. We will finish up the fetal pig dissections in class on Friday. If you have any questions about the material you’re studying for the final, please…