7th-8th History – Christendom Week 32 IT IS FINISHED
Day 1 – Famous Men of the Renaissance & Reformation, ch. 28; “100 Most Important Events in Church History,” pp. 40-41.
Day 2 – Streams of Civilization, pp. 378-379; The Church in History, pp. 189-202.
Research John Calvin and find the following:
- Date and country of his birth.
- Influences on his young life which would have an important impact on the future before him.
- Why he was imprisoned and had to flee Paris.
- Why he was able to live freely in Geneva, Switzerland, but was later banished from there.
- What were contained in his Ecclesiastical Ordinances.
- The name of another important reformer who was his student.
Day 3 – “100 Events in Church History”, p. 42; The Church in History, p. 42.
Day 4 – Famous Men of the Renaissance & Reformation, ch. 29; Streams of Civilization, p. 380; The Church in History, pp. 216 – 219.
RECITATION – “Pilgrim’s Conviction” from Pilgrim’s Progress.
Recommended Reading – For Kirk & Covenant – Douglas Wilson; How Should We then Live?, ch. 4, Francis Schaeffer.
Day 1 – Read Story of Liberty, ch. 8; “100 Events in Church History,” pp. 39-40; Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, Sir Thomas More.
Day 2 – Read Famous Men of the Renaissance & Reformation, ch. 24.
Day 3 – Read Famous Men of the Renaissance & Reformation, ch.25.
Day 4 – Read, The Story of Liberty, ch. 17; Kingfisher’s Encyclopedia, pp. 210 – 211.
What event, for which Henry VIII was responsible, does the author maintain was a significant step forward in the progression of liberty?
How does the marriage of Henry VIII to Anne Boleyn alter the Pope’s authority in England?
How does Wolsey fall out of favor with King Henry?
Who does Henry appoint to take Wolsey’s place as Lord Chancellor?
Why was Sir Thomas More beheaded?
Study for FINAL EXAM!!!
Recommended Video – “A Man for All Seasons.”
Recommended reading – Utopia, Sir Thomas More.
RECITATION – “Pilgrim’s Conviction” from Pilgrim’s Progress.
Day 1 – Read The World of Columbus & Sons, pp. 341 – 359.
The Machiavellian perspective of government stated what premise?
Who started the world famous Louvre Art Museum in Paris?
Day 2 – Read The World of Columbus & Sons, pp. 360 – 382.
When and by whom was the first edition of the Greek New Testament published?
The purveyors of indulgences often used “bait and switch” tactics. What does that mean? Name some scriptures which debunk the fallacy of purchasing forgiveness.
Day 3 – Read The World of Columbus & Sons, pp. 383 – 400.
Write a 1-page paper on how Frederick the Wise disproves the Machiavellian premise.
Historians believe the Roman Church of the Middle Ages destroyed itself through what two main vices?
What answer did Erasmus give to Frederick the Wise when he asked him if he thought Luther had erred?
What happened at the Diet of Worms and what was Luther’s famous response?
Day 4 – Read Story of Liberty, ch. 15.
RECITATION – “Pilgrim’s Conviction” from Pilgrim’s Progress.
Video – Martin Luther
Recommended reading – Ship’s Boy with Magellan, Milton Lomask.
Day 1 – The World of Columbus & Sons, pp. 225-242.
Day 2 – Story of Liberty, ch. 7.
Day 3 – The World of Columbus & Sons, pp. 243-260.
What date did the Spanish first set foot on the American continent? On which of the four voyages was this?
Day 4 –The World of Columbus & Sons, pp. 261-280.
What was the medieval “trial by fire”? What methods were used to wring an untrue confession from Savonarola?
Why did Michelangelo sign the Pieta?
Why was Louis XII unable to remove the painting of The Last Supper from the Dominican Monastary of Santa Maria della Gracie?
What was DaVinci’s view of nature? Does nature reveal the beauty and order of the mind of the creator?
RECITATION – “Pilgrim’s Conviction,” from Pilgrim’s Progress.
This week in history – April 8, 1492, Lorenzo de Medici, patron of Renaissance art, died.
April 13, 1385, The pilgrimage inspiring Chaucer began at the Tabard Inn.
April 15, 1452, Leonardo da Vinci was born in Vinci.
Day 1 – The World of Columbus & Sons, pp. 206 – 224; Famous Men of the Renaissance & Reformation, ch. 14, Erasmus.
Against what two evils did Erasmus fight all his life? What was the language of the courts of law, international relations, and the church?
Day 2 – Story of Liberty, ch. 10 & 11.
What was the name of the satire which Erasmus wrote which told of Pope Julius’s entrance into heaven?
What was the name of one of the architects which Pope Leo X hired to help build his new edifices?
The author contrasts the Roman persecution of Christians in the coliseum with the Spanish Inquisition. Discuss.
Day 3 – Story of Liberty, ch. 12; Famous Men of the Renaissance & Reformation, ch. 17, Martin Luther.
Day 4 – Story of Liberty, ch. 16.
Discuss the response of Luther at the Diet of Worms.
RECITATION – “A Mighty Fortress is Our God” by Martin Luther.
Recommended Reading – Spy for the Night Riders, Dave & Neta Jackson.
Recommended Video – Martin Luther.
This week in history – April 2, 742, Charlemagne was born.
April 6, 1199, Richard the Lion-Hearted was slain in battle.
April 6, 1520 – Renaissance painter Raphael died in Rome at age 37.
Day 1 – Read The World of Columbus & Sons, pp. 173-180.
What key victory of early 1492 made the way for Ferdinand and Isabella to support Columbus?
What was the Exodus of 1492?
Day 2 – The Story of Liberty, ch. 5.
Day 3 – The World of Columbus & Sons, pp. 180-205.
What is Columbus’ secret signature and the translation? What do the actions of Columbus in his treatment of Martin Pinzon and his attitude upon his triumphant return reveal of his character? What character qualities has he exhibited over the 10 years of study and preparation?
Day 4 – The Story of Liberty, ch. 6.
Columbus’ great knowledge of what subject turns around his luck with the Indians?
RECITATION – “A Mighty Fortress is Our God” by Martin Luther.
Recommended reading – The Last Crusader, George Grant.
This day in history – March 31, 1492, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella issued a joint edict expelling Jews from Spanish soil, except for those willing to convert to Christianity.
Day 1 – Read World of Columbus & Sons, pp. 88-114.
Explain the treasonous plot of the Archbishop of Toledo and Alfonso V against Queen Isabella.
Who was Ptolemy?
Day 2 – Read World of Columbus & Sons, pp. 115 – 137.
How did Torquemada convince Queen Elizabeth to revive the inquisition? Had she known the scriptures, what scriptures would have shown her the folly and error of this course? See John 16: 1-4. Analyze this in light of this incident. What advantage did King Ferdinand hope to gain by the Inquisition?
What conquest kept Ferdinand and Isabella too busy to attend to the request of Columbus?
Day 3 – Read World of Columbus & Sons, pp. 138 – 156.
What key event of 1488 thwarted any hope of Columbus that King John of Portugal would finance his venture?
Day 4 – Read World of Columbus & Sons, pp. 157 – 168; Famous Men of the Renaissance & Reformation, ch. 7, Savonarola.
Describe the preaching of Savonarola. What biblical characters from the Old and New Testament does he resemble?
RECITATION – “ A Mighty Fortress is our God,” by Martin Luther.
Day 1 – Read The World of Columbus & Sons, pp. 1-23.
What was unique about Isabella’s response to the Archbishop of Toledo’s proffer of the Crown? Why?
Why did a wave of terror sweep across Europe when Mohammed II captured Constantinople?
Can Nicholas of Cusa’s view of the equality of religion be true? Are Christianity and the Moslem faith mutually exclusive? Find scripture to support your answer.
Day 2 – Read The World of Columbus & Sons, pp. 24-43.
What did Prince Henry require of his sailors in their treatment of the people of Africa?
Describe the response of Nomi Mansa to the gospel and the lifestyle of European Christians.
Day 3 – Read The World of Columbus & Sons, pp. 44-64.
Day 4 – Read The World of Columbus & Sons, pp. 65-86; Famous Men of the Renaissance & Reformation, ch. 6.
Explain how Lorenzo de Medici consolidated his power after the death of his father.
RECITATION – “A Mighty Fortress is our God,” by Martin Luther.
This week in history – (During spring break) – March 17, 461, tradition holds that St. Patrick died on this day, which is why we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day today.
This week in history – Feb. 27, 380, Roman Emperor Theodosius made Christianity the official faith of the empire.
Day 1 – Read The Story of Liberty, ch. 4.
Day 2 – Read Famous Men of the Middle Ages, ch. XXXIII (Gutenberg); Fine Print, pp. 10-28.
Day 3 – Read Fine Print, pp. 29-48.
Gutenberg apprenticed under whom?
How many years of work did it take Gutenberg to perfect the process and the technique of movable type?
Day 4 – Read Fine Print, pp. 49-63.
Who financed Gutenberg’s experiments with printing?
What was the first book printed by Gutenberg?
What was the Church’s reaction to the thought that anyone could now own and read the Bible?
RECITATION – “Hymn,” by St. Thomas Aquinas.
Day 1 -Read Famous Men of the Renaissance & Reformation, ch. XXI Jan Hus; The Church in History, pp. 144-147.
Day 2 – Read The Story of Liberty, ch. 3 (Jan Hus).
What two men most dramatically impacted Jan Hus, and how did he come to study them?
How did Hus end up in prison at the Council of Constance?
What was the name of the Emperor who promised him safe conduct?
The works of Faulfash and Wycliffe would later affect which great Reformer?
Day 3 – History of the English Speaking People, Joan of Arc, by Winston Churchill, attached.
What factors conspired against any rise of the French over English subjugation during the Hundred Years War?
What proofs of Joan’s character convinced the people of France and the Royal Council that Joan’s mission was divinely inspired?
Day 4 – Famous Men of the Middle Ages, ch. XXXII Joan of Arc; Joan of Arc, ch. 1-8.
RECITATION – “Hymn,” by St. Thomas Aquinas.
Recommended reading for the ambitious: Joan of Arc, Mark Twain.
“The next best thing to being wise oneself is to live in a circle of those who are.” –C.S. Lewis (1898-1963)
Day 1 – Read Morning Star of the Reformation, pp. 47-68.
Day 2 – Read Morning Star of the Reformation, pp. 69-85.
Day 3 – Read Morning Star of the Reformation, pp. 87-111.
Why were Wycliffe’s teachings so revolutionary? In our society and in modern Christianity, do we take for granted many of the things for which Wycliffe fought so hard?
Day 4 – Read Morning Star of the Reformation, pp. 113-134.
What were 3 of Wycliffe’s greatest contributions to mankind?
RECITATION – “Hymn,” by St. Thomas Aquinas.
“The greatest advances in human civilization have come when we recovered what we had lost; when we learned the lessons of history.” –Winston Churchill (1874-1965)
Day 1 – Read The Story of Liberty, ch. 2; Famous Men of the Renaissance & Revolution, ch. XV, Wycliffe.
Day 2 – Read Morning Star of the Reformation, pp. 3-24.
Where was Wycliffe from?
What was the center of all intellectual activity in England at this time?
Day 3 – Read The Church in History, pp. 143-144.
Day 4 – Read Morning Star of the Reformation, pp. 27-46.
RECITATION – “The Reeds of Runnymede,” by Rudyard Kipling.
Recommended video – “John Wycliffe: The Morning Star.”
This week in history – Jan. 25, 1533, King Henry VIII secretly married his second wife, Anne Boleyn.
Jan. 28, 1547, King Henry VIII died; succeeded by sickly 9-yr. old son, Edward VI
part 3 – Week 18
Day 1 – Read The Magna Charta, pp. 62-73.
Day 2 – Read The Magna Charta, pp. 74-85.
Day 3 – Read The Magna Charta, pp. 87-106.
Day 4 – Read The Magna Charta, pp. 107-129.
How did King John inadvertently contribute to the development of the English Parliament?
What did Stephen Langton use as the foundation for the development of a charter to secure the rights and liberties of Englishmen?
Which provision of the Magna Charta was a first step toward parliamentary government?
Research Marco Polo in the encyclopedia or on the internet. Write a 1-page paper about him.
RECITATION – “The Reeds of Runnymede,” by Rudyard Kipling.
Recommended reading – This is the same time period as William Wallace and Robert the Bruce who fought for independence for Scotland. Scottish Chiefs, by Jane Porter covers this & In Freedom’s Cause, G.A.Henty.
About William Tell, The Apple and the Arrow, by Mary & Conrad Buff.
This day in history – Jan. 15, 1559, Queen Elizabeth I was crowned Queen of England after the death of her half-sister, Bloody Mary.
Jan. 17, 1604, King James I appointed 54 scholars to produce a new translation of the bible.
Day 1 – Read The Magna Charta, pp. 22 – 30.
Day 2 – Read The Magna Charta, pp. 31-39.
Day 3 – Read The Magna Charta, pp. 40-49.
Day 4 – Read The Magna Charta, pp. 50-61.
King Henry II was the great grandson of which famous conqueror?
Why was King Henry II’s youngest son named John Lackland?
How did John Lackland come to rule England as supreme monarch while his brother Richard was actually king?
What was remarkable about Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine?
What was the name of the tax which nobles could pay to avoid military service?
What great aid to Bible study was developed by Stephen Langton, Archbishop of Canterbury?
RECITATION – “The Reeds of Runnymede,” by Rudyard Kipling.
Recommended reading – Robin Hood, R. Lancelyn Green.
This week in history – Jan. 8, 1642, Astronomer Galileo Galilei died in Italy.
Jan. 9, 1324, Marco Polo died in Venice.
Day 1 –The Story of Liberty, note from publisher, introduction, & ch. 1.
Day 2 – Isaiah 33:22; Psalm 2; & Daniel, ch. 4.
Evaluate the declaration of Pope Gregory VII (p 23-24) in light of Isaiah 33:22. To whom will all earthly rulers ultimately answer? In Psalm 2, what instructions does God give to kings and judges of the earth? Read the story of Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 4. Who sets men in positions of authority?
Day 3 – Read The Magna Charta, pp. 1-9.
Day 4 – Read The Magna Charta, pp.10-21; “Magna Carta,” attached.
RECITATION: “The Reeds of Runnymede” by Rudyard Kipling.
Recommended reading – Ivanhoe, Sir Walter Scott.
Recommended video – “Ivanhoe,” with James Mason.
This day in history – Jan. 1, 1449, Lorenzo de Medici was born in Florence.
Jan. 3, 1521, Martin Luther was excommunicated by Pope Leo X for his refusal to recant his commitment to reform the church. The Protestant Reformation was then launched.
Jan. 6, 871, Alfred the Great defeated the Danes at the Battle of Ashdown.
Jan. 7, 367, Athanasius (My grandson Peter’s middle name) established the list of the canon of the Old and New Testaments in his annual Lententide letter.
Otto I & The Holy Roman Empire (962-973) – El Cid
Day 1 – Streams of Civilization pp. 270 – 275; “Germany & Italy,” attached.
Day 2 – Kingfisher’s Encyclopedia, pp. 124; Famous Men of the Middle Ages, Otto I (not in the newest edition).
What did Pope John XII ask of Otto?
What did many Dukes of Germany try to do to Otto I?
How did Otto become King of Italy?
What was the Treaty of Verdun?
Day 3 –Cultural Atlas for Young People, Middle Ages, pp. 36, 37, attached.
Day 4 – The Church in History, pp. 84-85; Famous Men of the Middle Ages, ch. XXVI, (El Cid).
RECITATION: “King Alfred’s War Song.”
Recommended Video – “El Cid,” starring Charleton Heston.
Recommended reading – The Legend of El Cid, Jane Matthews.
This day in history – Oct. 24, 1537, Jane Seymour, third wife of England’s King Henry VIII, died twelve days after giving birth to Prince Edward, later King Edward VI.
Oct. 25, 1400, Geoffrey Chaucer died and was buried in Westminster Abbey.
Oct. 25, 1415, King Henry V defeated the French at Agincourt.
Mohammad (570 – 632) & Islam
September 28 – October 2, 2020
Day 1 – Famous Men of the Middle Ages, ch. IX – Mohammad.
Write a summary of Mohammed’s vision.
Day 2 –Kingfisher Encyclopedia, pp. 106-107; Cultural Atlas for Young People, Middle Ages – pp. 26, 72, attached.
Day 3 – Streams of Civilization, pp. 237-239; “Islam: A Fighting Faith”, attached.
Is Islam a peaceful religion?
Were the 9/11 terrorists following the teaching of their divine prophet?
Day 4 – The Church in History, pp. 60-68.
What does “Islam” mean? Who was Mohammed’s first convert to Islam?
RECITATION: The Nicene Creed.
Recommended reading – The Blood of the Moon, George Grant. At this same time, (597), Augustine, missionary to Ireland, converts many. Read about him in Augustine Comes to Kent, Barbara Willard.
Justinian (527 – 565) – Week 6
Day 1– Famous Men of the Middle Ages – ch. VI – Justinian; “Justinian: Achievements and Personality,” attached.
Day 2- Read Kingfisher’s Encyclopedia, pp. 100-101; Cultural Atlas for Young People, The Middle Ages pp. 16-17, attached.
Where did Justinian build a church? What was its name? What does the name mean? What architectural style was the church Justinian built? With what were Eastern churches usually decorated?
Day 3- Read The Church in History – pp. 61-62; “The Corpus Juris Civilis of Justinian,” attached.
What did Justinian try to eliminate? How did he go about this?
Day 4– Read Streams of Civilization, pp. 193-196; “Italy under Theodoric and Justinian,” attached.
RECITATION: The Nicene Creed.
Recommended Reading – The Iron Charm, Joanne Williamson.
“Instruct a wise man and he will be wiser still; teach a righteous man and he will add to his learning.” –King Solomon
This day in history – Sept. 27, 1498, Spanish Inquisitor Tomas de Torquemada, one of the cruelest men who ever lived, died.
Day 1 – Famous Men of the Middle Ages, Intro I – The God of the Teutons; Intro II – The Niebelungs; Streams of Civilizations, p. 190-192.
Day 2 – Famous Men of the Middle Ages, ch. I – Alaric the Visigoth; ch. II
Attilla the Hun; Streams of Civilization, p. 255-258.
Describe Alaric’s dream. Describe how Attila came to wear the “sword of Tiew”.
Day 3 – Famous Men of the Middle Ages, ch. III – Genseric the Vandal; ch. IV
Theodoric the Ostrogoth; Streams of Civilization, p. 258-261.
Who invited Genseric into the country and why?
Day 4 – Famous Men of the Middle Ages, ch. 5 – Clovis; ch. XIII – Rollo the Viking.
How was Clovis converted to Christianity?
Recitation – “What is man?” from Augustine’s Confessions.
Recommended Reading – Children of Odin, Padraic Colum; Legends of the North, Olivia Coolidge
This week in history – August 28, 430, St. Augustine of Hippo died.
September 3, 1189, Richard the Lion-Hearted was crowned as King Richard I of England.
Augustine (386)- Week 1
Day 1 – Read “100 Events in Church History,” pp. 13-14; & Augustine, Farmer’s Boy of Tagaste, ch. 1-4.
Who was Augustine’s mother and what influence did she have on him?
Day 2 – Read The Church in History, pp. 29-32; Augustine, ch. 5-8; “Augustine of Hippo,” by David F. Wright, attached.
Day 3 – Read The Church in History, pp. 32-37; Augustine, ch. 9-12.
In what year did Augustine convert to Christianity?
Who baptized Augustine? When?
Day 4 – Read Streams of Civilization, pp. 182; The Church in History, pp. 37-41; Augustine, ch. 13-17.
What is the book City of God about?
Describe the differences between Augustine & Pelagius regarding their belief in the nature of man.
Recommended further reading: Confessions, by Augustine.
RECITATION: “What is man?” in Confessions, by Augustine.
This day in history – August 23, 1305, Scottish Patriot Sir William Wallace was hanged, drawn, beheaded, and quartered in London.
August 24, 1456 – The printing of the first Gutenberg Bible was completed in Mainz.