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    This week you need to finish reading Module 1, completing your definitions and OYO’s as you read. Then complete the Study Guide Questions (SGQ’s) and start studying for the test. Please make sure that you pay careful attention to Experiment 1.1 because we will be doing most (or all, if time allows) of this in class on Friday. There will not be a quiz in class this week so that we have time to complete the lab. Please bring all of your completed work from Module 1 to class with you so that I can check your work. See y’all Friday!

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    Hey everyone! I am looking forward to being in class with all of you this coming Friday. This week you need to begin reading Module 1 in our textbook, pages 1-21. Please make sure to answer the On Your Own (OYO’s) questions as you read. These are set aside from the body of the text in gold boxes. You can either write the OYO’s out on notebook paper, type them, or fill them out in the student notebook that goes along with the textbook if you bought that. It does not matter to me where you do them, as long as you do them! Also, as you read, please make…

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    Advanced Biology

    Great work this year! We had a good review of all of the systems of the body while dissecting fetal pigs this past week. I am proud of the work you’ve accomplished this year! I will be grading your last tests and will have them to give back to you next Friday so please find me to get them. No lab report due on the fetal pig dissection. If you are not exempt from the final exam, make sure you study for the exam, and let me know if you have any questions! If you are exempt, I will be sending out your final averages sometime this week via email.

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    Advanced Biology

    This week you need to take Module 15 test that I sent home with you from class. After that, if you’re taking the final exam, you need to begin studying for the final exam. I have given you everything that you need to know for it, but it does cover a lot of information, so don’t put off studying until the last week! This Friday in class we will continue with the fetal pig dissections, and then our last week the final exam will be given in class.

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    Advanced Biology

    This week you need to finish module 15, pages 502-510, and do your OYO’s as you read. Also do your CBE and SGQ’s and study for the test. Please make sure that you also read over the instructions for the fetal pig dissection on pages 544-545 before class. We will finish going over the last bit of module 15 and then begin our dissections in class.

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    Advanced Biology

    This week you need to study for and take Module 14 test. Let me know if you have any questions about the section on Cellular Respiration before you take the test. I know we squeezed that part into the last little bit of class Friday. Then read pages 486-502, and do your OYO’s as you read. I will be emailing you soon to let you know if you are exempt from the final exam or not. If you do have to take the final exam, I will have study guide info in class next Friday for you.

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    Advanced Biology

    This week you need to finish reading pages 467-480, completing the OYO’s as you read. As you read, remember to pay special attention to Figure 14.10 that summarizes the four stages of cellular respiration and study it. You will have to know this information on the module test and it is A LOT! Also be sure to finish your SGQ’s for the module and the CBE I handed out in class. Lastly, type up your lab report on experiment 14.1 that we did in class Friday. Be sure to include your drawings at 40x and 100x.

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    Advanced Biology

    This week you need to take Module 13 test that I sent home with you. After that, start reading Module 14, pages 444-467, and answer the OYOs as you read. Also, make sure that you write a lab report on the sheep brain dissection we did in class. Remember to include details of which parts we identified and instructions so that someone else could come behind you and do what you did.

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    Advanced Biology

    I hope you had a great spring break! Hopefully you are well-rested and ready to finish the year strong! This week you’ll need to finish up the module on the digestive system by reading pages 429-440, doing your OYO’s as you read. You’ll also need to do your SGQ’s, CBE, and study for the test. Remember, last time we met, I finished going over the digestive system info so that we can do the brain dissections this Friday. So please go back and familiarize yourself with this lab before class Friday!

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    Advanced Biology

    This week you need to take Module 12 test. I will email it to your parents so make sure that you print it out and complete it. Please don’t forget about this since I didn’t give it to you in class! After that you need to read pages 408-428 and answer the OYO’s as you read. Make sure you read over Experiment 13.1 carefully because we will be doing this in class.