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    This week you need to take Module 16 test at home and bring it back to class on Friday. Also, be sure to turn in any homework or labs that you have not turned in yet. If you are taking the final exam, you need to be studying for that using the study guide I gave you. Let me know if you have any questions or need any help in preparing for the final! 

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    This week you need to write a lab report on the frog dissection we did in class last Friday. Then finish reading Module 16, and do all of your OYOs and SGQs. This is the last week of this for the year! Go ahead and study for the test also. In class Friday we will go over Module 16 and I’ll send the last test home with you. Also, please be studying for the final exam if you are not exempt from it. Let me know if you have anyquestions about the study guide for that!

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    This week you need to take Module 15 test. If you didn’t pick one up in class, let me know and I can email it to you. Then start reading Module 16, pages 631-650, doing your Definitions and OYOs as you read. If you are not exempt from the final exam, go ahead and start working on the study guide I gave you in class. You don’t want put that off too long to get started on it!also, make sure you go back and pay special attention to the instructions for the frog dissection lab because we will be doing that in class on Friday.

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    This week you need to write your lab report on the perch dissection that we did last Friday. Then you need to finish reading Module 15, pages 613-625, and do your OYOs and Definitions as you read. Then, also make sure that you do all of the SGQs and study for the test. We will discuss all of Module 15 in class on Friday. Don’t forget to turn in your work that you’ve done at home to me!

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    This week you need to take Module 14 test that I sent home with you. Next, start reading Module 15, pages 587-612, and do your OYOs and definitions as you read. Please make sure that you pay special attention to Experiment 15.1 in the book because we will be doing the perch dissection in class next Friday. If you haven’t turned in your lab reports or homework from the past few modules, make sure to do those.

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    This week you need to write a lab report for the crayfish dissections we did in class. Please make sure that you use the correct format, put it in your own words, and only write about what we did in class. Also, if you haven’t turned in your Module 12 or 13 homework, now is the time to send that to me. Next you’ll need to finish reading Module 14 and do your OYOs and Definitions as you read. Then make sure to complete your Study Guide and study for the test.

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    I sure hope you’ve had a good break this past week! This week you need to take Module 13 test that I sent home with you over Spring Break. Let me know if you need a copy of this. Then read pages 550-570 in Module 14, doing your OYOs and definitions as you read. We will be doing the crayfish dissection in class this week, so make sure you are familiar with Experiment 14.1 before coming to class.

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    This week you need to finish reading Module 13, pages 535-545, and do your OYOs and definitions as you read. Also, be sure to do your SGQs and start studying for the test. You do NOT have to write a lab report this week. However, I do want you to spend time preparing for our lab this week – so spend time looking over the earthworm dissection information in the module.

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    This week you need to take Module 12 test that I sent home with you. If you weren’t in class, let me know that you need it and I can email it to you. Then start reading Module 13, pages 517-534, and do your definitions and OYOs as you read. Also, don’t forget to write your lab report for the experiment we did in class. Starting with this lab report, they will be graded based on how well you write them, not just for completion, so please follow the correct format.

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    This week you need to finish reading Module 12, pages 500-513. Do your OYOs and Definitions as you read. Next, complete your study guide and study for the test. Please also make sure that you are familiar with Experiment 12.1 before class.