Pre-algebra due on 9/6
Continue to work on ALEKS review problems or your own review problems.
Due on 9/6 in Algebra I
Those of you that need to, go back and finish the chapter 1 problems. Your assignment this week is to do the following problems. Be sure to read each lesson before you do the homework. If you need graph paper, go to donnayoung.org and click on math and graph paper I or II (whichever you prefer) 2.1: 1-6,10,13-15 2.2: 1-17 2.3: 1-7,10
Pre-algebra assignment for week 1 due 8/30
Hi all, I want to begin pre-algebra this year with some review and I have had Ben and Claire go through the ALEKS program to review. It is an individualized program that will take them where they are and give them problems where they are and move them on. After you go to aleks.com and you are on the first screen, type in free trial in the upper right hand search box. Do not click on the green arrow that says free trial -this is only a very short version. Then choose the free 2 month trial for aleks math. You should be able to register your name and your…
Algebra I assignment for August 30
Week 1 August 26- August 31 Don’t get overwhelmed by this week’s lesson. It is mostly review and we will cover quite a bit this week. Do the problems that you can and check all your answers. If you don’t understand a question, put a big question mark by it and we will go over it in class. Most weeks we will only go over three sections the whole week not three sections a day like this week!!:) Be sure to read all sections and show all your work on your homework problems. Your test questions will come from your homework, so if you have each problem worked out, it…
I will send out a weekly syllabus via email
I will not be posting General Math assignments on this website, but will rather send out the syllabus each week in an email.
Trig/Alg homework due on 4/26
Read CH. 3 in Life of Fred and do the YTTP problems. At the end of Ch. 3 do the first 2 cities. Read over ch. 3 1/2 and work a few of the problems to refresh your memory of factoring. Be sure to practice factoring trig functions. Do the next 6 problems from the algebra final review. Let me know if you have questions. Have a good week.
what is due in trig by 4/19
Hello all! For trig this week , continue reading about Fred. Just a reminder of last week’s assignment in case you need to catch up – it was to read p. 7-10, p. 17-29(be sure to do Your Turn to Play, which from now on I will call ***(YTTP)***. And choose one city to do. I would choose one that has the answers provided and check those answers. Also for Thursday, read over p. 34-39 review, and ch. 2, p. 40-57( do YTTP on 43,49,53 and 56) and then pick a city from ch. 2 from pages 58-60. Read over the review of functions on p. 62-66. For your homework…
What is due the week of 3/19-22
3.4 47-51,57-63 odds 4.1 3-17odd, 19-26all,39-49odd, 55-67odd 4.2 1-9odd,13-19odd Quiz on finding zeros you should have the review sheet done on ch. 3
What is due by March 9
You should finish all problems from 3.3. Call me with questions and try not to come to class clueless 🙂
What is due 2/16
Well, hello! Hope you all are enjoying this chilly weather Homework this week is 3.2, odd problems 27-57 AND You have a quiz on section 3.1 which is parabolas.