First Form Latin, Year 2
I continue to be well please with how all my students are doing with the review. We start new material this week, but we will never stop reviewing, so there will always be a review aspect to your homework. This week, you will need to review pages 36 and 37 (Units I & II Review) for a review test (more like a quiz, but with a test grade) on Friday. This will include 10 vocabulary words (I will give you the English, and you will give me the Latin.), all four charts and page 36, and six Laying sayings (I will give the Latin sayings in Latin with one or…
Shurley English 6 for September 6th
We completed a lot in class for Chapter 2! For next Friday, please complete any practice sentences, vocabulary list 2, workbook exercises, and Chapter 2 test. Remember, there is no need to do exercise 6 on the test. There is no writing assignment for this week. Also, keep racking up those extra credit points with Daily Grams if you like! Happy Labor Day!
First Form Latin, Year 2 for September 6th
Below is a link to the homework for this week. Please print it out, complete it neatly, and bring it to class on Friday. We will exchange papers and grade these in class. It will be for a grade, but it is open book. Remember, if your writing is illegible, then your answer is wrong! If you have any problems printing these sheets off, please let me know by Tuesday. Happy Labor Day! First Form Latin Unit III Review
First Form Latin, Year 2 for August 30th
Let me just say how pleased I am with how prepared you ALL were on Friday! Keep up the excellent work! For this week, commit to memory Lesson XIII (Units I & II Review). Remember, you should be able to give the 4 principal parts for every verb and conjugate each 1st conjugation verb in all 6 tenses. Don’t forget the all important verb – sum, esse, fui, futurus. Looking forward to a great review on Friday!
Shurley English 6 for August 30th
We had a great first day on Friday! I enjoyed seeing “old” faces and meeting “new” ones. The homework assignment for Chapter 1 is fairly light, because there is neither a test nor writing assignment. Also, there are no practice sentences this week! For this week complete vocabulary using the method I taught you in class. Refer to Reference #2 if you have forgotten. Make sure to keep all your vocabulary in one place in your notebook. There is a workbook exercise (Ch. 1, Lesson 5, Practice) to complete. I do not require the journal entries, but your parents might, or you just might want to keep a journal yourself. …
Shurley English 6 for August 23rd
Welcome to Shurley English 6! I look forward to studying grammar and composition with you this year. Please complete Lessons 1 & 2 of Chapter 1 this week. Be prepared to share at least one of your long term goals and the short term goals that will help you achieve it.
First Form Latin, Year 2 for August 23rd
Welcome to First Form Latin, Year 2! We will start with a review of last year’s material. It is essential that you have a firm grasp on the units you covered previously. For this week review/study units 1 & 2 reviews. To help you do this the following is a link to Quizlet to help you have some fun while you review: https://quizlet.com/audreygleckie/folders/first-form-latin-year-2 . I’m looking forward to Friday to see what you remember! Have a great first week!
Shurley English 6 for May 10th
Last English assignment for the 2018-19 school year: Write or type your final copy for Lesson 10, “The Dog and the Shadow.”
Latina Christiana for May 10th
Your last Latin assignment for the 2018-19 school is to finish Lesson 2o. We will be doing Review Lesson 4 in class Friday.
Shurley English 6 for May 3rd
For Composition, do all of Lesson 10 except the final draft. There will be a FOD’s quiz on the first five FOD’s: anemographia, dendrographia, ethopoeia, astrothesia, chorographia. I will give an example of each, and you will correctly label them.