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    Lingua Latina for February 19th

    This week complete VL Lesson 25 A & B, but NOT C. Your quiz will be the 3rd Declension Masc/Fem endings. (They are the same.) Also, you will need to know the vocabulary lux, lucis f. through serpens, serpentis m. I will give you the English; you will need to give me the Latin Nominative, Genitive, and Gender of each vocabular word.

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    Advanced Biology – Human A & P

    This week you need to finish reading Module 11 and answer the OYO questions. Also, complete the study guide and CBE. If you didn’t finish the handout on circulation in class, finish that as you read that section in the module. Also, make sure to read through Experiment 11.2 in the book so you’ll be ready for the heart dissection in class. No quiz this week in class – we will finish going over the content in the module and then dissect the hearts.

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    Shurley English 6 for February 12th

    This week please complete Shurley English 6, Chapter 20, Lessons 1-4. I handed out Vocabulary List #1 sheets but forgot to work through them, so these will need to be completed at home. I returned a few tests that were incomplete, so they could be finished and returned for grading. For composition, please type or write the final copy of Lesson 2, The Ant and the Grasshopper. Make sure to use the rubric I posted in last week’s assignment as a guide when completing your essay. Also, don’t forget to underline your FODs and label them at the end of the sentence in which they are found. Everyone is off…

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    Lingua Latina for February 12th

    This week finish VL Lesson 24 on Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns (They’re the same words in Latin) We did a great deal of it in class, so this should be a lighter assignment for you this week. Your quiz for this Friday are the four charts in VL Lesson 24. The English will be given to you. Remember that the endings on the chart are exactly the same as 1st and 2nd declension nouns, which you already know. So, basically remember me, tu, nostr, and vostr! Lastly, 5 bonus points will be awarded to those who can correctly identify by Roman numeral which Super Bowl is being played this weekend.

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    Advanced Biology – Human A & P

    This week you need to finish reading Module 10 and answering the OYO questions. Take your Module 10 test OPEN BOOK at home this week. I recommend doing it on Monday so you’ve got it done and out of the way! No study guide or CBE for this module. If you haven’t done your lab report for the eye dissection you need to do this and turn it in this week. Then begin reading Module 11, p. 340-355 and answer the OYO questions for these pages. We will have an open book quiz at the beginning of class on Friday.

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    Shurley English 6 for February 5th

    Please finish Shurley English Chapter 19 Lessons 1-4 for Friday. For Classical Composition we started Lesson 2 in class. We will finish the outline in class on Friday. At home this week finish Variations: Part I, Paraphrases, and Variations: Part II. The final draft is not due this week.

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    Lingua Latina for February 5th

    Finish VL Lesson 23. Don’t forget the additional exercises after the Bible story translation. Your quiz for Friday will be the Interrogative Pronoun Chart in VL Lesson 23. You will also need to be able to give the three differences between the Interrogative and Relative Pronoun charts.

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    Advanced Biology – Human A & P

    This week you will need to take Module 9 test that I passed out in class. Don’t forget to also write a lab report on the dissection of the cow eye! Then read p. 314-331 on the endocrine system and answer the OYO questions. We will have an open-book quiz at the beginning of class on these pages.

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    Shurley English 6 for January 29th

    Please finish Shurley English 6, Chapter 18, Lessons 1-4 this week. Don’t forget that any Daily Grams you complete are extra credit. For Classical Composition, you will type or write neatly your final drafts of Lesson one, “The Ant and The Chrysalis.” Your final drafts will be graded using the following rubric: Handwriting _____/5 Mechanics (spelling, punctuation, grammar) _____/15 Content (storyline, sentence & paragraph structure, style) _____/40 Vocabulary/Diction (word choice) _____/20 Figures of Description _____/20

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    Lingua Latina for January 29th

    And Green Bay scores!!! Oops, I guess you can tell what I’m watching right now! For Friday, finish translating LL Chapter V and complete Pensa A & B. We will do Pensum C in class together on Friday. There is no quiz for this week, but if you don’t have your chart flashcards up-to-date, please do that and bring them to class along with ALL your Latin class materials.