Shurley English 6 for April 30th
There is no grammar for this week. We spent the whole class on composition. For this week complete Lesson 7. (We skipped Lesson 6.) You do not have to write the reduction this week. Make sure you revise and edit and correctly label your FODs. I’m including the outline here in case anyone needs help with that. This is just a guide; yours does not have to be exactly like this. I. The two men traveling together A. Suddenly met by Bear on their path B. One climbed tree and hid C. Second fell flat knowing he would be attacked II. The Bear A. Felt man with his snout and…
Lingua Latina for April 30th
Finish VL Lesson 28. For your quiz this week: Know the following 3rd Declension Adjectives in the Latin Dictionary Form: sharp or pointed, swift or quick, famous, short, heavy, sad, fierce or wild, bold, and wise. To do this you will need to know if the adjective is a “1, 2, or 3 termination” adjective. For example: if I say “sharp or pointed” you must give all three terminations, that is, acer, acris, acre. If is say, “short” you must give both termination endings, that is, brevis, breve. If I say “bold” you must give the nominative singular and the genitive singular because it is a one terminating ending, that…
Advanced Biology – Human A & P
This week you need to finish reading Module 15, pages 507-510 and complete your OYO, CBE I passed out in class, and your SGQ. In class on Friday I will have the study guide for the final to pass out to you. This will give you two full weeks to study for the final. I will finish covering the material for Module 15 at the beginning of class and then we will start dissection of the fetal pigs this Friday. Please make sure that you have read p. 544-545 on this dissection before coming to class. I will assign partners to work on the fetal pigs together. This will be…
Shurley English 6 for April 23rd
Please complete chapter 27 for Friday. There is no new assignment for classical composition this week, but you will be turning in your final drafts you completed for last week.
Lingua Latina for April 23rd
Finish VL Lesson 27. Quiz for Friday: know the 8 “head verbs” on page 155. Be prepared to convert 2 direct statements to indirect statements.
Advanced Biology – Human A & P
This week you need to take the Module 14 test and bring it back to class on Friday. Be sure to study aerobic respiration really well before taking the test. If you need some additional help in understanding the 4 stages of aerobic respiration, Kahn academy has some helpful videos you can watch that walk you through all of it. Text or call me if you have any questions! You also need to read p. 486-506 in Module 15 and complete the OYO questions. We will have an open book quiz on this content at the beginning of class. This is your last module to complete before we begin dissections…
Shurley English 6 for April 16th
For Friday, please finish Chapter 26, Lessons 1-4. For Composition, write the final draft of Lesson 5, “The Fisherman Piping.” We will be going to the library during class on Friday, so if you have a library card, bring it with you.
Lingua Latina 6 for April 16th
For this week all you need to do is LL Chapter VII Pensum C. Make sure you answer in complete sentences. Do NOT forget to bring your book and binder to class on Friday.
Advanced Biology – Human A & P
For 4/16, finish reading Module 14, p. 475-480 and complete the OYO questions. Also complete the SGQ and begin studying for the test. And one more thing- don’t forget to do your Coloring Book Exercise that I passed out in class on Friday! This would be a good week to get caught up on missing assignments or tests if you have any you haven’t turned in yet, before we start studying for the final exam!
Shurley English 6 for April 9th
For Grammar, please finish Chapter 26, Lessons 1-4. For composition, complete Lesson 5, “The Fisherman Piping” Variations: Part 1 and the Paraphrases.