Shurley Grammar 6
Shurley English 6 for April 20th
For Composition: We started “The Bear and the Two Travelers” this Friday. This is Lesson 7. (We skipped Lesson 6.) Please do the three plot points and variations 1 for this week. Finish Shurley English, Chapter 27 (vocabulary, test). Test 27B is not required by me. We are finished with the practice sentences for the year!
Shurley English 6 for April 13th
I hope you had a great field trip last Friday! For this next Friday, do Lesson 26 (practice sentences, vocabulary (both sets), and test). Complete your composition.
Shurley English 6 for April 6th
Finish Shurley English, chapter 25 (test, practice sentences, and vocabulary). Also, we started Classical Composition, lesson 6 in class. Well, we actually just went over the three new descriptive terms to include in our papers! But, please start your composition. You will not be in class Friday due to the field trip, so just work steadily and try to finish your paper by April 13th. One more thing, you will need to do Shurley English, chapter 26 on your own next week. I hope you have a great field trip! See you on the 13th.
Shurley English 6 for March 30th
Please finish Shurley English Lesson 24 (Vocabulary, Test, and Practice sections). Also, write the final draft of Classical Composition, Lesson 5.
Shurley English 6 for March 23rd
Welcome back! Please finish Chapter 23 (Vocabulary, Practice Sentences, Test). We started Lesson 5 in our Classical Composition the Friday before Spring Break. We completed the Three Plot Components and the Outline. Finish Variation 1 and the Paraphrase sections.
Shurley English 6 for March 9th
This is a lighter week for grammar/composition! There is no composition assignment this week! Heather Brandon – this is a change from what I previously told you. For this week just finish Shurley English, Chapter 22. (Vocabulary, Practice Sentences, and the Test). We have a new sentence pattern with predicate adjectives, so watch out for those.
Shurley English 6 for March 2nd
Welcome back from Winter Break! Please finish Shurley English, Chapter 21. (Vocabulary, Practice Sentences, & Test). For Composition, write your final draft of Lesson 4, The Hare and the Tortoise.
Shurley Grammar 6 for February 9th
Finish you Classical Composition Lesson 3. Also, finish Shurley Grammar Chapter 19. (Vocabulary, Practice Sentences, and Test) I’m so proud at how you are doing. Keep up the good work! I’ll have graded test to return to you on Friday.
Shurley Grammar 6 for February 2nd
Nate and Macrae, you both did a great job on your compositions! Keep up the good work! For this week: Finish work from Shurley Grammar 6, chapter 18. (2nd set of vocabulary, practice sentences, and test). For composition: We started lesson 3 in class. We did the Three Plot Components and the Outline. You will need to complete Variations Part 1 & Variations Part 2. We will finish the lesson next week, so skip page 20, Paraphrases, for now.
Shurley Grammar 6 for January 26th
Please finish Shurley Grammar chapter 17 (2nd half of vocabulary, rest of practice sentences, and the test). Remember, our composition is our Classical Composition book, so there is no need to do the Shurley Grammar writing assignment in lesson 5. Classical Composition lesson 2: We finished the three plot components and the outline in class. (Thank you, Heather Brandon, for helping out!) Please complete variations part 1 on page 14 and the paraphrases on page 16.