Shurley Grammar 6
Shurley English 6 for October 26th
Finish Chapter 9 as usual. This week’s writing assignment is #10 only. It is a 3-paragraph essay. Please refer to Reference 26 for instructions on how to write this essay. Keep up the great work!
Shurley English 6 for October 19th
Welcome back from fall break; I hope your break was as fun and restful as mine! This week, finish Chapter 8 work including vocabulary list 2, practice sentences, studying the helping verbs and the irregular verb chart, the activity on page TM 144 (pick 4 members of your family – we will share these in class), test 8, and the writing assignment on page TM 150. One more thing, write a sentence using the following labels: HV A ADJ SN V P PPA OP. Once you have written your sentence, re-write it with improved vocabulary choices. I hope you have a great week;…
Shurley English 6 for October 5th
Welcome to October and cooler weather (maybe)! Last Friday we studied Chapter 7, Lessons 1 & 5. Please complete Lessons 2-5 including practice sentences, vocabulary, test 7, writing assignment, and Daily Grams. I have enjoyed seeing how you have stretched your imaginations and vocabulary as you strive to vary your essays. Keep up the good work and continue to look for ways to improve your sentences. Varying the word order is another way to improve your essays, such as starting a few sentences with an adverb or prepositional phrase. Mrs. Renee McGill, Lydia’s mom, will be subbing for me next Friday while I am attending a wedding in Natchez. Mrs. McGill…
Shurley English 6 for September 28th
For Friday please finish Chapter 6, lessons 2-5. This includes the second vocabulary list, test 6, two paragraphs (remember to improve your sentences), practice sentences, and Daily Grams for extra credit. Keep up the excellent work!
Shurley English 6 for September 13th
Finish lessons 2-5 of chapter 4 for this week. That will include chapter 4 test, practice sentences, vocabulary set 2, and the writing assignment.
Shurley English 6 for September 7th
Happy Labor Day! Assignments for the week: *Finish practice sentences. * Practice sections for chapter 3 on pages 63-64 in the workbook. * Vocabulary word list 2 *Chapter 3 Test (I will take up Tests 2 & 3 this Friday.) *Complete writing assignment. *Don’t forget Daily Grams for extra credit!!!
Shurley Grammar 6 for August 24th
I am thrilled with my grammar/composition students! We had a great discussion on long-term and short-term goals. This week’s assignment is light; enjoy it! Do vocabulary list 2 following the 6-step vocabulary plan in reference 2 on page 9. I do not require journal writing, but it is a good practice to learn to express your thoughts on paper. Complete ch. 1, lesson 5 practice on page 62 of your book. Review reference 4 on page 11. No test or writing assignment this week. Maybe you’ll have time to read a good book! If you do, let me know 😉 P.S. Make sure you bring your binders, paper, pencils or…
Shurley English 6
Complete chapter 1, lessons 1 and 2 on study skills and short term/long term goals. You will share your goals with the class on Friday.
Shurley English 6 for May 11th
Last assignment!!! Turn in final copy for “The Thirsty Pigeon” lesson 9. I’ve enjoyed our lessons together, Nate and Macrae. I hope you have a great summer!
Shurley English 6 for April 27th
Finish Shurley English, chapter 28 (vocabulary and test). Composition: finish your final draft of “The Bear and the Two Travelers.”