Shurley Grammar 6 for August 24th

I am thrilled with my grammar/composition students!  We had a great discussion on long-term and short-term goals.

This week’s assignment is light; enjoy it!

Do vocabulary list 2 following the 6-step vocabulary plan in reference 2 on page 9.

I do not require journal writing, but it is a good practice to learn to express your thoughts on paper.

Complete ch. 1, lesson 5 practice on page 62 of your book.

Review reference 4 on page 11.

No test or writing assignment this week.  Maybe you’ll have time to read a good book!  If you do, let me know 😉

P.S. Make sure you bring your binders, paper, pencils or pens, practice book, and workbook to class each week. And remember, if you do your daily grams, bring that book too, and I’ll give you extra credit for work completed!