Shurley Grammar 6
Shurley English 6 for March 8th
Please complete Chapter 23, Lessons 1-4. Composition: Write your final draft for Lesson 6, “The Flies in the Honey Pot” on a separate piece of paper. You will have a matching quiz in class on all FODs through Lesson 6.
Shurley English 6 for February 22nd
Please complete Chapter 22, Lessons 1-4. Composition: Lesson 6, “The Flies in the Honey Pot” Do Variations: Part 1, number 2 and the Outline. Review all FODs learned to date including the three new ones from this lesson.
Shurley English 6 for February 8th
Please finish Chapter 21, Lessons 1-4 in your Shurley English 6 books. For composition, complete Lesson 5, “The Fisherman Piping.” Be sure to include hydrographia, mimesis, and topographia in your final copy. Don’t forget to italicize your fods and put the correct fod name in parenthesis after it. For example: The children played for hours jumping in the foaming waves of the ocean which crashed against the shore (hydrographia).
Shurley English 6 for February 8th
For this week finish Chapter 20, Lessons 2-4. For Composition we will start Lesson 5, “The Fisherman Piping.” (Note: We are skipping Lesson 4.) Complete the three plot components, variations part 1, and the outline. The four main points of the outline are given below: I. The Fisherman to the seashore A. B. II. The Fisherman piped A. B. C. III. The Fisherman fished A. B. C. IV. The Fisherman reflected A. B. Note to parents: I will be out of town on Friday, so two of my teenagers, Scarlett and Mary-Esther, will be teaching the class. If you feel it is needed, please encourage your student to be extra…
Shurley English 6 for January 18th
Please finish Chapter 17, Lessons 1-4 for Friday. Everyone did very well Friday with divided quotations. Great job! For composition: We began Lesson 3, “The Fox and the Grapes” in class. This week, complete variations 1, the outline, and the paraphrases.
Shurley English 6 for January 11
Complete chapter 16 including the assignment on page 276. For composition write a rough draft for lesson 2, “The Ant and the Grasshopper.” Revise and edit your rough draft and prepare a final copy to turn in on Friday.
Shurley English 6 for December 7th
We are on chapter 14 this week. Lesson 1, reference 43 deals with complex sentences with common subordinating conjunctions. Try to memorize the partial list of subordinating conjunctions that is given in ref. 43. Don’t forget vocabulary list #2 (be sure to continue to review past vocabulary list), practice sentences, exercises for chapter 14, and the test. For composition we started lesson 2 in CC. You should finish variations: part 1 & part 2. Also, complete the outline. To help get you started, here are the three main points: I. The Grasshopper A. B. C. D. 1. 2. II. Dialogue A. 1. 2. B. 1. 2. C. 1. 2. D.…
Shurley English 6 for November 30th
I hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving week! This week, finish chapter 13 lessons, including everything but lesson 5’s writing assignment. Don’t forget to review your vocabulary for all chapters. Composition: Complete paraphrase #1 as written on page 12. For paraphrase #2, reduce the parable to the main points but retell the story in reverse order. Be prepared to turn in your final draft based on paraphrase #1.
Shurley English 6 for November 16th
This week we are in Chapter 12. Please complete vocabulary 2, practice sentences, test 12, practice section p. 67 in student manual, and daily grams. (The activity on TM p. 215 is optional.) Remember that our writing assignments are now coming from Classical Composition, not Shurley English 6. Composition: We started the lesson one outline in class but could not complete it due to time limitations. I’m inclosing a link to the instruction page for the outline as well as the sample outline. Parents, please guide your students in completing the outline, and then have them complete Variations part 2. Classical Composition Fable Stage Lesson 1 Outline
Shurley English 6 for November 2nd
***DO NOT FORGET TO BRING YOUR CLASSICAL COMPOSITION FABLE STAGE TO CLASS ON FRIDAY*** Complete chapter 10, lessons 2-5 including practice sentences, vocabulary list 2, chapter 10 test, writing assignment #11, and daily grams (extra credit). ***DO NOT FORGET TO BRING YOUR CLASSICAL COMPOSITION FABLE STAGE TO CLASS ON FRIDAY***