• Shurley Grammar 6

    Shurley English 6 for October 11th

    This week we are working on Chapter 7. We did all of Lesson 1, the practice sentence on page 119 of the Teacher’s Manual, and went over the writing assignment in Lesson 5. Please complete Lessons 2-5 at home this week. Don’t forget to study past pairs of synonyms and antonyms.  There is always a section on the tests about these, and they can really bring down your grade if you don’t refresh your memory! Have a great week!  

  • First Form Latin, Year 2

    First Form Latin, Year 2 for October 11th

    This is our first week of Lesson XXIII, ergo start on the workbook pages for Lesson XXIII, but they are not due until October 25th.  For your quiz this Friday, be prepared to write the third declension neuter chart from scratch, ex nihilo.  Also, the rest of the quiz will be taken from Lesson VII about Principal Parts.  Know what the four PPs are, how to form them, and the four irregular PPs for the verbs on page 25. Remember, per aspera ad astra  you can achieve great things!

  • First Form Latin, Year 2

    First Form Latin, Year 2 for September 27th

    For this week, study Lesson XXII and work on the exercises. You do not need to finish these this week. Your quiz for Friday will consist of the third declension chart on page 58. You will need to be able to duplicate this from scratch, or dare I say “ex nihilo!” Also, ANYTHING from Lesson IV could be included on the quiz. Remember, you will only have 10 minutes to take the quiz. Study thoroughly! Finally, if a parent is reading this, please (if possible) have your child read this assignment also.  I’m consistently hearing reports of students not knowing the full assignment. Thank you!

  • Shurley Grammar 6

    Shurley English 6 for September 27th

    This week we finish Chapter 5. Please finish all vocabulary, practice sentences, workbook exercises, test, and the writing assignment.  And of course, up to 6 daily grams. For the writing assignment, you will be writing two paragraphs; the first paragraph is in the first person, the second paragraph can be the same paragraph with a change to the third person. Are practice sentences now include prepositional phrases, so if you are having trouble identify them, please review prepositions.  You can find a list of them in Jingle 9 of Chapter 4. Also, don’t forget to review your pairs of synonyms and antonyms before you take the test.  

  • First Form Latin, Year 2

    First Form Latin, Year 2 for September 20th

    This week we continue with Lesson XXI. Complete the workbook exercises for XXI and study for the quiz on Friday.  Make sure you know the Latin saying, the grammar chart, and the vocabulary for XXI.  Remember you will need to put the full nominative and genitive as well as the gender for each noun. On each quiz there will also be a review portion from 2 previous lessons, this week it will be Lesson I & II. Make sure to review these thoroughly.  Also, you will only have 10 minutes to take the quiz, so you must be able to recall the material quickly.  You will not have time to…

  • Shurley Grammar 6

    Shurley English 6 for September 20th

    This week we worked on Chapter 4. Please finish Lessons 2-4 and complete the writing assignment in Lesson 5. I gave you another guide sheet on which to write your rough draft.  Use this sheet to also improve your sentences like we did in class with our labeling sentences, then type or write neatly your final copy to turn in next Friday.  Have a great week!

  • Shurley Grammar 6

    Shurley English 6 for September 13th

    We are now fully into our class/homework routine! I’m so proud of how all my grammar students work diligently to accomplish everything we need to do in one short hour on Fridays.  Keep up the excellent work! This week, finish vocabulary, practice sentences, workbook exercises, test, writing assignment, and optional daily grams for Chapter 3.