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    Lingua Latina for October 30th

    Complete VL Chapter 18 on the Dative Case. Read/translate (no writing) LL Capitulum II. Quiz for Friday will be on Ablative and Accusative Prepositions. I’ll give you the Latin; you will give me the English and label the prepositions as either Ablative or Accusative. Remember “Sid P. Space” Pronouns are Ablative. You will have no more that 10 minutes for the quiz, so make sure you know them very well!

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    Shurley English 6 for October 23rd

    I hope you had an excellent fall break! For this week, please finish Chapter 8. We did a great deal of the grammar work in this chapter on our last Friday, so hopefully, this week will be lighter for you. The writing assignment in lesson 5 is another first person, time-order paragraph. on Things I Like to Wear or Things I am Learning in Science. Have fun, and I’ll see you on Friday!

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    Lingua Latina for October 23rd

    I hope everyone had an excellent fall break! For this week, finish Pensa A, B & C of Lingua Latina (LL) Capitulum I. Make sure that your answers for Pensum C are in complete sentences (in Latin, of course!) I will be taking this assignment home to grade, so please be neat and have your paper properly named, dated, and titled. Also, no fringe should be on your paper. I’m talking about the fringe left on the paper when you rip it out of a notebook. Make sure you tear along the perforation. See you Friday!

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    Shurley English 6 for October 9th

    Good Monday morning! I’m sorry I’m late in posting this week’s assignment. My brain took a vacation this weekend, and now I am playing catchup! Please complete Chapter 7 for this week. We completed Lesson 1 in class and started Lesson 5. Colbie and Beth, you are doing great; keep up the good work!

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    Lingua Latina for October 9th

    Good Monday morning! I’m sorry I’m posting your assignment late. My brain took a vacation this weekend! Finish VL Lesson 17 on Present Tense Active and Passive Voice and prepare for a quick quiz on both the Present Active and Passive endings. This quiz should take you under 60 seconds. Finish reading/translating Lingua Latina (LL) Chapter 1. There is no written work for LL this week. Let me know if you are having any problems. Parents: I strongly encourage EACH student to read their own assignment on this website. I am consistently having students unprepared for class and/or unaware of what the assignments are. Also, only half my students had…

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    Advanced Biology – Human A & P

    This week finish reading the module by reading p. 130-135. Answer all of the OYO questions and complete the study guide at the end of the chapter. You also need to complete the coloring book exercises that were passed out in class. For those of you who were not in class, I will be emailing them to you so that you can complete them. You should come to class having studied the entire module and be pretty familiar with the information on the study guide. We will have an open-book quiz at the beginning of class and then will review for the test. As always, please let me know if…

  • Advanced Biology - Human A & P,  No Category

    Advanced Biology – A & P

    This week you need to take your take home test on Module 3 – NOT open book! – and bring it back to class on Friday. Also, read pages 110-129 in your book and answer the OYO questions as you go. If you didn’t show me your Module 3 notebook work and CBE, please bring these to class on Friday for me to check. See y’all Friday!

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    Lingua Latina for October 2nd

    Welcome to October and autumn! For this week, finish VL Lesson 16 on Accusative Prepositions. There will be a quick in-class quiz on on Accusative Prepositions on Friday. I’ll give you the Latin; you will give me the English. There will be a bonus for every Ablative Preposition you can remember in Latin WITH its English equivalent. For example “sin = without” would earn you an extra .5 point. There are 9 Ablative Prepositions that you have learned. Remember “Sid P. Space.” ******IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT****** Bring your Lingua Latina textbook to class beginning THIS FRIDAY. You have made it through the initial phase, and now it is time to dive into…