What is due October 13
Be sure to go back and do the factoring problems on p. 40 1-16 even, 26-46 even, 52-70even and 86-100 even Also due is section 1.1 p. 88 odd problems 9-35
What is due Oct. 6
Do the problems in the chapter review on pages 78-80. Odd numbered problems 38-47(not on test but you should know how to do these) 49-54 odds, 58-61 odd, 62-71 odd, 75-84 odd, 85-100 odd, and 103-115 odd ****Your first major test is this week! It is worth 100 points and will be over the R chapter.
What is due on Thursday, 9/29
We will have class from 1:30 to 3:30 like usual. You should finish section R.6 and on R.7 do odd problems 1-9, 21-93. Don’t forget QUIZ 2 on this day. It will be on rational expressions(reducing, multiplying/dividing, adding and subtracting) , complex fractions AND listing out the factoring methods, how to solve rat. exp. outline and rules of exponents.
what is due on Tuesday 9/20
R.6 1-69 every other odd and #97 Be sure to do the practice quiz on rational expressions and be studying the factoring methods, how to solve rational expressions outline and rules of exponents.
Homework due on 9/15
Homework for this week is R. 5, pages 59-61, odd 1-69 Also, be sure to do the practice quiz that I just emailed out for a replacement grade for the quiz you took last Thursday. This is a one time thing and it won’t happen again, so take advantage of it and bring the quiz in on Thursday.
Algebra II due 9/8
Algebra homework this week includes R.4 starting on p. 40 , odd problems 1-15, 19-45, 51-69 and 85-103. Also, be sure to do the practice problems that I gave you in class which were #52, 64,88(tricky), 20 and 40 I also emailed out another practice quiz and the answers to those as well. I would save that until you have worked all your homework and then take it and see how well you understand factoring. Your quiz on Thursday, 9/8 will have 5 or 6 problems on factoring.
Algebra II assignment due 9/1
Section R.3 1-93 odd numbered problems