Shurley English 6 for February 5th
Please finish Shurley English Chapter 19 Lessons 1-4 for Friday. For Classical Composition we started Lesson 2 in class. We will finish the outline in class on Friday. At home this week finish Variations: Part I, Paraphrases, and Variations: Part II. The final draft is not due this week.
Lingua Latina for February 5th
Finish VL Lesson 23. Don’t forget the additional exercises after the Bible story translation. Your quiz for Friday will be the Interrogative Pronoun Chart in VL Lesson 23. You will also need to be able to give the three differences between the Interrogative and Relative Pronoun charts.
Shurley English 6 for January 29th
Please finish Shurley English 6, Chapter 18, Lessons 1-4 this week. Don’t forget that any Daily Grams you complete are extra credit. For Classical Composition, you will type or write neatly your final drafts of Lesson one, “The Ant and The Chrysalis.” Your final drafts will be graded using the following rubric: Handwriting _____/5 Mechanics (spelling, punctuation, grammar) _____/15 Content (storyline, sentence & paragraph structure, style) _____/40 Vocabulary/Diction (word choice) _____/20 Figures of Description _____/20
Lingua Latina for January 29th
And Green Bay scores!!! Oops, I guess you can tell what I’m watching right now! For Friday, finish translating LL Chapter V and complete Pensa A & B. We will do Pensum C in class together on Friday. There is no quiz for this week, but if you don’t have your chart flashcards up-to-date, please do that and bring them to class along with ALL your Latin class materials.
Shurley English 6 for January 22nd
Please finish Shurley English 6, Chapter 17, Lessons 1-4. For Composition, do the paraphrase with the three figures of descriptions (FODs) on page 12 and the variations, part 2 on page 13. The final draft will not be written until the next week.
Lingua Latina for January 22nd
Please finish VL Lesson 22 and prepare for a quiz on ille, illa, illud. Text me if you have any questions.
Shurley English 6 for January 8th
For Friday, please complete Shurley English, Chapter 15. You are excused from Lesson 5, the writing assignment. For the remainder of the year, the writing assignment will always be from Classical Composition, Fable Stage text. We will start Classical Composition, the Fable Stage this Friday, so be sure to have your composition book with you. I am very pleased to have Caroline Yant join us for composition! Happy New Year!
Lingua Latina for January 8th
Happy New Year 2021! Your Latin assignment will be to finish LL Capitulum IV Pensa A, B & C. No quiz for 01/08. Make sure you have your binder and textbook in class.
Shurley English 6 for December 11th
We started Chapter 14 in class Friday. We worked through all of Lesson 1, save the vocabulary which I am sending in a separate email. We also started on Lesson 2. The girls did a great job on learning complex sentences with subordinating conjunctions. Keep up the good work! Please finish the rest of Chapter 14 exercises, vocabulary, test, and writing assignment, which is only Writing Assignment Box #1.
Lingua Latina for December 11th
Finish reading/translating Lingua Latina, Capitulum IV. We will start the Pensa in class Friday. Make sure you understand what you have translated, so you will be prepared for class. No quiz this Friday!