January 10th

Jan. 10

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas break and enjoyed some family time.  This semester I will begin having pop quizzes.  This is to make sure everyone is reading.  Please be prepared.


Attention!! You do not have to read “How to Read Plays” and “A Note about Tragedy” in How to Read a Book

Please read:

“Introduction: Greek Drama” in Heroes of the City of Man (pp. 275-280)

“Blessings of Terror: The Euminides” in Heroes of the City of Man (p. 281-line 12 on p. 284)

Introduction to the Oresteia in Aeschylus I, pp. 1-9

Aeschylus:  Agamemnon 

Introduction in Aeschylus I, pp. 9-25 (about Agamemnon)

Aeschylus:  The Libation Bearers 

Introduction in Aeschylus I, pp. 25-29 (about The Libation Bearers)