Land Animals
Continue to watch your chrysalis. We could have some action this week! Just for fun, I posted a butterfly video on the FB page, if you’d like to understand more about the change that is taking place.
“One of my favorite animals we learned about is the _________. The reason it is my favorite is ______________ .”
Please be sure they give a good reason (a unique trait, a funny habit, an interesting fact), instead of “because it’s cute.” 🙂 They may expand on the reason (up to 5 sentences total) or just fill in the blank and be finished with 2 sentences. I would love for everyone to have something in their hands to hold. (Sometimes that makes speaking in front of crowds a little easier.) So, they are welcome to bring their poster/project from the special presentations, or a picture in a book or magazine. If you need a picture, let me know. I have several. You may use your same animal from the special presentations, or choose a different one. We will begin practicing for the program this Friday.