About Us


The statement of faith adopted by Excelsior Classical Covenantal Community is deliberately limited to the broad arena of Biblical Christian doctrine, which is considered to be central to all orthodox Christian churches, and which sets Christianity apart from all other faiths. Therefore, we subscribe to the great historic creeds and confessions—including the Nicene, the Apostles, and the Athanasian – as they have been elaborated through the ages by the called synods of the church from the Ecumenical Councils to the Westminster Assembly. To carefully establish the parameters of doctrinal teaching in Excelsior classes and to maintan our nondenominational status, we will adhere to the standards of historic orthodoxy in all essentials but to Biblical diversity in all peripherals.


The mission for this group is to exalt the Lord God in both teaching our children and the relationships which exist with the children and among ourselves as parents.

Our goal for our children is to provide opportunities afforded by a classroom setting to advance the goals of a classical Christian education. This includes:

  • giving them a consistent means of interacting with a group of children and teachers otherwise not afforded in a homeschooling setting;
  • teaching them the necessity and blessing of respecting authority;
  • encouraging and re-enforcing the character traits of attentiveness, cooperation and responsibility;
  • providing teaching and activities that would otherwise be impractical, if not impossible, to do at home;
  • providing opportunities for monthly field trips through the support group; and
  • instructing them in specific curriculum to advance a classical Christian education specifically Latin, logic, and speech; as well as other classes instructed in a classical method.


The subjects of the trivium comprise the core of our curriculum, and the classes are taught using classical methodology.  For first through sixth grades, we offer once-weekly tutorials in Latin, History, Literature, Grammar, Composition, Science, Art and/or Music Appreciation, and Bible.  Logic stage students (seventh and eighth grades) add Logic and pre-Algebra. Rhetoric stage students (high school) add either Formal Rhetoric, Civics, Theology, Apologetics, Constitutional Law;  Biology, Chemistry, Astronomy, or Physics; and Algebra I, Geometry, or Algebra II.


Students are encouraged to take all of the classes, but exceptions can be made to meet individual family needs. The cost is the same regardless of the number of courses taken. Our yearly costs are minimal, usually between $100-$150 per family no matter how many children are enrolled. In addition to this family fee, each family must purchase art supplies, art instruction, and a science lab fee. Each family must purchase their own books, and every family is asked to teach two classes or work the equivalent amount of time in another area. We study history chronologically in a four-year cycle, and all subjects revolve around the people, places and ideas of that historical era. Join in the “Great Conversation” grounded in Scriptural truths, as we model the education that sparked the Protestant Reformation and the War for Independence.

Contact Us

For more information about the Excelsior Classical Covenantal Community, please contact our board at excelsiorclassical@gmail.com