Lingua Latina (Advance) for April 1st

Quiz for Friday:  Vocabulary:  pauci, ae = few, multus, a, um = many, probus = behaved, improbus = ill=behaved, formosos, a, um= beautiful, bellus, a, um = beautiful, pulcher, pulchris, pulchre = beautiful, quaero = to seek, hunt, look for, adest = present, abest = absent, lectia, ae = litter, couch, peto = to ask for, beg, enim = indeed, baculum, i = staff or rod, ceteri = others, Chart for ille, illa, illud on VL page 116, and Chart for qui, quae, quod on VL page 92.

Complete Pensa B & C for Lingua Latina, Chapter 10

Keep up the good work!