Like-minded believers educating our children in the classical tradition of our forebears.

Classical education has been the primary method of passing along knowledge, understanding, and wisdom for millennia. Students today no longer know how to think, Dorothy Sayers lamented in her essay, “The Lost Tools of Learning.” Thus, students studying the medieval trivium are equipped with these tools, with rigorous studies of difficult subjects. The study of classical Latin and ancient Greek, as well as the reading of great books from a Biblical perspective is the core of the classical Christian method.

Excelsior Classical Christian Community is a community of like-minded believers educating our children in the classical tradition of our forebears. Begun by several homeschooling families in Tupelo, Mississippi, we opened our doors for tutorials in 2001. We study not only the subjects of the classical “trivium” (grammar, logic & rhetoric), but utilize these methods as well.  This mode of education has served our children well: they have received a well-rounded education from a distinctly Christ-centered perspective, many of our graduates have been named Mississippi Eminent Scholars (ACT of 29 or above), and two have been selected National Merit Finalists.